Mental Health Cooperative: A Case Study
The Mental Health Cooperative exists to help adults with severe mental illness and children with serious emotional challenges live quality lives in the community with ongoing support and treatment.
Pam Womack first contacted me in 2008 with questions about strategic planning. The organization had a robust operational process and outpatient program, but was hesitant to expand due to the unknown circumstances outside the local market. Download the full case study here.
Even though they were doing $22M in revenue a year, they needed a strategic plan to help them grow without unnecessary risk.
That was the beginning of a decades long partnership. See the video below:
“ Bill opened our eyes not only to what could be, but also how to get there. Bill’s expertise directly resulted in our successfully launching 9 new locations in surrounding counties which expanded our revenue from $22M to over $60M.”
Strategic Planning with A2B Advisors typically looks like this:
Offsite Leadership Training
Organization and Mission Alignment
Competitive Analysis
From there, we are able to define the organization’s strategic goals, build action plans for execution, and begin implementing the full A2B Playbook.
Download the full case study here.