Running to Win


In the past 15 years, running has become a personal passion. For years, I just ran miles each week and never got much faster. However, I made three key changes in 2017. The results were significant – two new marathon Personal Records (PRs) in 2018, along with PRs in multiple other distances. This continued in 2019. Here is the interesting thing: I do not spend any additional time training now than I did before, I just do it better.

What were these three changes?

  1. Joined a running club.

  2. Embraced a disciplined process-driven approach to training.

  3. Hired a coach to plan my workouts and hold me accountable.

These principles apply to business just as much to sports.

  1. We all feed off the positive or negative energy of those around us.  Surrounding ourselves with the right people is critical to success.

  2. Every company can accelerate growth by becoming more organized, focused and process driven.

  3. The best teams realize they don’t have all the answers and do not hesitate to seek out help.

But there is still one more thing you need to achieve breakthrough success:

DESIRE.  You have to want it. True breakthrough progress is made from the intersection of desire and ability.

If you have desire, but your team lacks key skills you will hit a growth ceiling. Likewise, if you have solid skills, but key team members lack the desire to succeed, progress will slow down or stall when adversity hits.
Well, adversity has hit with this global pandemic. I believe we can come out of this in a better place than before. I am seeing this with my clients and am excited to see the different ways leaders are responding. While acknowledging the need to preserve cash reserves, we are working now on initiatives to quickly grow revenue as business slowly returns to normal. Do you think of any opportunities where we might be able to help you with similar planning?

Bill Brown